COVID Precautions

To protect our clients and staff, we have come up with a check list we’d like all of our potential clients to agree to before submitting a bid and agreeing to a job.


All apartments must be temporarily vacated during normal work hours of 9AM-5PM. If any in-person discussion needs to be had at onset of job, all parties involved should remain at least 6’ apart and be wearing masks at all times. All discussions should be limited to 10 minutes or less.


Access to ventilation (open windows) is required so that we can create and open airflow in the work space.


We ask that if there are any belongings or furniture that temporarily need to be moved out of the way for painting, you please try to do so in advance to us starting the painting job. The less we have to touch anything in your home - the better for everyone!

A sink where workers can wash their hands is also very helpful.

Estimates by Video

If you are able to show us your home and what needs to be painted via recorded or live video - we really welcome that as well.